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Files on System Disk

System files

WAVE.MEM - WAVE Music Editor Resource
WAVE.COM - WAVE Music Editor
UTILITIES.MEM - Utilities Resource Code
CBTML.COM - Music Compiler for TEXT based BASIC applications
CBHML.COM - Music Compiler for HIRES based BASIC applications
CPML.COM - Music Compiler for Dumping music data to Printer File as XA .byt rows
MENU.COM - Wave Menu Program
INLAY.MEM - Wave Menu HIRES Inlay
BTPLAYER.MEM - Player for TEXT based compiled music
BHPLAYER.MEM - Player for HIRES based compiled music

Sample Examples

SAMPURC.WVE - Purcussion Samples

Music Examples

EXAMPLE1.WVE - Simple example of wave music annotation
EXAMPLE2.WVE - More competant example of wave music annotation
EXAMPLE1.CWF - Intermediate Compiled Music file
EXAMPLE1.WTM - Finished Compiled tune with music and player

oric/wave/wave_files_on_system_disk.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/20 22:28 by twilighte