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SFX Editor Keys

FUNC and CTRL on Oric is Left Alt and Left Ctrl on Emulator. SHIFT on Oric and Emulator are either Shift keys.

KeyShown in Help asGroupDefinitionNotes
UPUPNavigationMove up one row
DOWNDOWNNavigationMove down one row
CTRL UPHOMENavigationMove to first row
CTRL DOWNENDNavigationMove to last row
CTRL -DEC SFXNavigationDecrement SFX NumberThis key may be removed in future versions of AYT to force a direct link between all areas of the music
CTRL =INC SFXNavigationIncrement SFX NumberThis key may be removed in future versions of AYT to force a direct link between all areas of the music
CTRL PGO PATTERNavigationJump to Pattern EditorMust be on a track row with at least one track being a pattern
ESCGO MENUNavigationJump to MenuJumps to the menu at the top of the screen
CTRL LGO LISTNavigationJump to List Editor
CTRL FGO FILENavigationJump to Files
CTRL HGO HELPNavigationJump to Help Page
=INC VALModifyIncrement field value
-DEC VALModifyDecrement field value
DELDEL VALModifyReset field value
SPACETOGGLEModifyToggle field option
CTRL IINS GAPModifyInsert rowInsert a new row moving entries down
CTRL DDEL GAPModifyDelete rowDeletes a row moving entries up
P©P-OFSOperatorsSet POSITIVE PITCH OFFSETRepeat key to attain NEGATIVE PITCH OFFSET and modify value by parameter
N©N-OFSOperatorsSet POSITIVE NOTE OFFSETRepeat key to attain NEGATIVE NOTE OFFSET and modify value by parameter
V©V-OFSOperatorsSet POSITIVE VOLUME OFFSETRepeat key to attain NEGATIVE VOLUME OFFSET and modify value by parameter
S©NS-OFSOperatorsSet POSITIVE NOISE OFFSETRepeat key to attain NEGATIVE NOISE OFFSET and modify value by parameter
E©E-OFSOperatorsSet POSITIVE EG PERIOD OFFSETRepeat key to attain NEGATIVE EG PERIOD OFFSET and modify value by parameter
G©E-FLAGOperatorsSet E FLAGSets the EG Channel Flag On or Off through the parameter
T©T-FLAGOperatorsSet T FLAGSets the Chip Channel Flag On or Off through the parameter
O©NS-FLAGOperatorsSet N FLAGSets the Noise Flag On or Off through the parameter
/©SKIP CNDOperatorsSet Skip Condition to SKIP LOOP ON VOLUME OVERRepeat key to attain SKIP LOOP ON COUNT OVER and again for SKIP LOOP UNCONDITIONALLY
F©FILTEROperatorsSet FILTER OFFRepeat key to attain SET FILTER 01 then modify as Parameter
D©DELAYOperatorsSet DELAY 01
C©COUNTEROperatorsSet COUNTER 01Modify value with parameter
X©END SFXOperatorsSet END SFX!!
L©LOOPOperatorsSet LOOP TO ROWModify value with parameter
R©RANDOMOperatorsSet RND DELAYRepeat key to attain RND NOISE and again for RND VOLUME, RND NOTE, RND PITCH
W©EG WAVEOperatorsSet EG WAVE SAWTOOTHModify Waveform with Parameter
FUNC NNAME SFXOperatorsName SFXPlaces the cursor in the name field on the Legend at the top and allows entry of up to 8 characters. SFX names will be saved with the SFX
SHIFT DOWNHL DOWNCopyingHighlight DownExpand highlight down
SHIFT UPHL UPCopyingHighlight UpRecede highlight up
CTRL AHL ALLCopyingHighlight the complete SFXHighlights all 64 rows
CTRL CCOPYCopyingCopy HighlightCopy highlighted area to Copy Buffer
CTRL VPASTECopyingCopy PastePaste Buffer from current Cursor Row
JGRABCopyingGrab EntryGrabs entry but doesn't use Copy Buffer
KDROPCopyingDrop EntryDrops grabbed entry
,COPY LASTCopyingCopy previous row
.COPY NEXTCopyingCopy next row
RETURN<PlayingPlay SFXThe SFX will stop playing after any change is made to the SFX. This protects against realtime infinite loops
SHIFT S< STOPPlayingStop and silence all music
oric/ayt/sfx_keys.txt · Last modified: 2009/02/02 14:25 by twilighte