Game Memory Map
Memory Range | Memory Usage | Notes |
0000-00FF | Game System variables | - |
0100-01FF | 6502 Stack | - |
0200-02FF | Screen and Background buffer row tables | - |
0300-03FF | Oric I/O Area | - |
0400-98FF | Game Code and Data | - |
9900-99CF | Border Text Chars | - |
99D0-9BFF | Virtual HIRES Chars | - |
9C00-9FFF | Player File | - |
A000-BF3F | HIRES | - |
BF40-BF67 | - | - |
BF68-BFDF | 3 Text Rows | - |
BFE0-BFFF | - | - |
C000-FDFF | SSC Module | - |
FE00-FFFB | Disk Routines | - |
FFFC-FFFF | System Vectors | - |
oric/wurlde/memory_map.txt · Last modified: 2008/10/05 20:37 by twilighte