Here is a list of books that are particularly recommended.
Some are more related to high level things, some are very very specific, some are on the management side, some on the implementation side. A bit of all for everybody :)
Let's start by project management and generic organizational and politic problems:
Please note that I do not recommand the supposedly most required one, The C++ Programming Language 1), because it's one of the most boring and formal computer book I read. The French version provides the last drop: All terms have been translated, meaning that you have absolutely no chance to find anything about templates if you don't know it has been translated into model.
If you really want to learn the C++, you better follow some online tutorials, or use some good and readable books like Thinking in C++ 2) which is available also as a free downloadable pdf file. On the web, you can also consider bookmark the C++ FAQ Lite pages.